Privacy Policy

The following Sections 1 to 9 explain how VODA uses the information you give to us about yourself. This is followed by Your Rights under the Data Protection Act, which briefly summarises your legal rights, and Your Right to Access Personal Data which explains how you can get a copy of all the information we hold about you.

VODA keeps its data management under continuous review and we amend our procedures as necessary. Any changes to the way we use your information will be found in this document.

(1) Accounts

When you approach VODA for accounts advice we will ask you for information about yourself so that we can understand your role in the organisation you represent. This information will help us to provide appropriate advice. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for advice, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

 (2) Advice Services

When you approach VODA for advice we will ask you for information about yourself so that we can understand your role in the organisation you represent (if any). This information will help us to provide appropriate advice. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details. Some of the information we collect may be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the services we provide. This data tends to be anonymized so that individuals are not able to be identified.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for advice, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

 (3) Community Database

The information we keep on our Community Database is used to help people get in touch with your group, so please do not include any personal details you do not wish to be public knowledge. We also use the information for statistical purposes, such as measuring the size of the Voluntary & Community Sector in North Tyneside, and we may supply the information to bona fide researchers and others who are interested in your group. We do not sell or supply your information for commercial purposes. Commercial companies are not eligible for inclusion in the database. VODA reserves the right to decline an application. By submitting a Community Database form you agree that we may use your information for the above purposes.

Anyone named in the Community Database is a “Data Subject.” By providing this information you confirm that the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing, storing and sharing their information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal data is held and processed safely.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA.
  • Members of the public wishing to contact organisations for leisure purposes or for help.
  • Statutory bodies for planning purposes (e.g. the NHS for the provision of health services, the local authority for disaster planning etc).
  • Bona fide

Disclosure of personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

(4) Good Neighbours

When you approach VODA’s Good Neighbours Project for help we will ask you for information about the help you need and about yourself so that we can assess whether we can be of assistance. This information will help us to provide services. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details and possibly health conditions. For example, if someone has mobility problems then our volunteers will be told that it may take a while for you to open the door to them. Some of the information we collect may be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the services we provide. This data tends to be anonymized so that individuals are not able to be identified.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for help, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA and Good Neighbour volunteers (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above

(5) Payroll

When you commission VODA to handle your payroll requirements we will ask you for information about yourself so that we can understand your role in the organisation you represent. This information will help us to provide appropriate advice. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details.

We will also collect information about your employees to enable us to correctly calculate their salaries. You should ensure that you have data collection and processing protocols in place and that your staff are aware of these.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for payroll services or who are employees of the organisation that commissions payroll services, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant UK government departments, e.g. HM Revenue and Customs.
  • Law enforcement agencies.
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above

(6) Training and Workshops

When you book onto a course or workshop run by VODA we will ask you for information about yourself and the organisation you work or volunteer for and any additional needs that you may have, e.g. dietary, access, etc. This data enables us to provide the course and to address any additional needs.

At the end of the course you may be asked to complete a monitoring form and/or a course evaluation. The monitoring form enables us to ensure that we are reaching all segments of the community, and the data is subsequently summarized to provide basic statistics. We do not share your personal details with any other organisation unless required to do so by law. Summary statistics are anonymized so the data cannot be traced back to yourself. The course evaluation helps us to assess the quality of the training provided. This information is shared with the trainer so that they may improve their delivery, if required. You are not obliged to complete either a monitoring or evaluation form. If you prefer you may omit your personal details and submit the forms anonymously.

People who attend VODA’s training and workshops are “Data Subjects.” By providing the above information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your training).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

 (7) Volunteers and Potential Volunteers

When you approach VODA to become involved in volunteering we will ask you for information about yourself. This information will help us to find a suitable placement for you. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to issues such as age, gender identity, racial or ethnic origin, physical or mental health or condition and employment status. Some of this information is collected, separated and anonymized so it cannot be traced back to you and is used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the services we provide

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who are applying for volunteering through VODA, will be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

Personal data relating to volunteers and potential volunteers is processed (both manually and electronically) for various administrative, management and health and safety reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Finding a suitable volunteering placement for you.
  • Accessing training that may help you prepare for volunteering.
  • Accessing support that will enable you to more easily volunteer.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your volunteering).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above

(8) VODA Members

Organisations may apply for Membership of VODA. Although it is the organisation that is the Member it is quite often the case that an individual will be identified by the organisation as the main contact. Anyone named in the Register of VODA Members is a “Data Subject.” By providing this information you confirm that the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing, storing and sharing their information.

The information in the Register of VODA Members consists largely of contact details and when the organisation became a Member. VODA has a legal obligation to keep this information, for example for voting purposes. We use this information to send Members correspondence about VODA and their membership, such as forthcoming elections, voting rights and ballot papers.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal data is held and processed safely.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

The Register of VODA Members is a public document and, as such, anyone may request a copy.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

(9) Visitors to VODA’s website

We use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors use our website. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website, the pages they visited and information they have downloaded to their computer or other device. By continuing to use our website you agree to our use of cookies in this way.

Your Rights under the Data Protection Act

As a ‘Data Subject’ you have a number of rights under the Act. This includes the right to:

  • Access the personal data VODA holds about you.
  • Have inaccurate data corrected.
  • Prevent the processing of information which may cause you harm or distress.
  • Withdraw your consent to VODA processing your data.
  • Prevent unsolicited marketing.
  • Prevent automated decision-making.

For more information on your rights please visit the Information Commissioner’s website:

Your Right to Access Personal Data

As a Data Subject you have a right to request a copy of the information VODA holds about you. This is known as a ‘Subject Access Request’ (SAR). SARs should be made in writing, if possible, to the Chief Executive, VODA, The Spirit of North Tyneside Hub, 2 Floor Wallsend Customer First Centre, 16 The Forum, Wallsend, NE28 8JR. There is usually no charge for this information. However, VODA reserves the right to charge in accordance with the Act a reasonable fee to cover administration costs where the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive.

VODA strives to ensure that your personal data remains accurate. To assist us with this you should notify us of any changes to information we hold about you. If you become aware of any inaccuracies in the data we hold please inform us as soon as possible so it can be amended accordingly.

The following Sections 1 to 9 explain how VODA uses the information you give to us about yourself. This is followed by Your Rights under the Data Protection Act, which briefly summarises your legal rights, and Your Right to Access Personal Data which explains how you can get a copy of all the information we hold about you.
VODA keeps its data management under continuous review and we amend our procedures as necessary. Any changes to the way we use your information will be found in this document.

(1) Accounts

When you approach VODA for accounts advice we will ask you for information about yourself so that we can understand your role in the organisation you represent. This information will help us to provide appropriate advice. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for advice, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing.

VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.
VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

(2) Advice Services

When you approach VODA for advice we will ask you for information about yourself so that we can understand your role in the organisation you represent (if any). This information will help us to provide appropriate advice. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details. Some of the information we collect may be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the services we provide. This data tends to be anonymized so that individuals are not able to be identified.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for advice, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.
VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing.

VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

(3) Community Database

The information we keep on our Community Database is used to help people get in touch with your group, so please do not include any personal details you do not wish to be public knowledge. We also use the information for statistical purposes, such as measuring the size of the Voluntary & Community Sector in North Tyneside, and we may supply the information to bona fide researchers and others who are interested in your group. We do not sell or supply your information for commercial purposes. Commercial companies are not eligible for inclusion in the database. VODA reserves the right to decline an application. By submitting a Community Database form you agree that we may use your information for the above purposes.

Anyone named in the Community Database is a “Data Subject.” By providing this information you confirm that the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing, storing and sharing their information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal data is held and processed safely.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing.

VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA.
  • Members of the public wishing to contact organisations for leisure purposes or for help.
  • Statutory bodies for planning purposes (e.g. the NHS for the provision of health services, the local authority for disaster planning etc).
  • Bona fide researchers.

Disclosure of personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

(4) Good Neighbours

When you approach VODA’s Good Neighbours Project for help we will ask you for information about the help you need and about yourself so that we can assess whether we can be of assistance. This information will help us to provide services. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details and possibly health conditions. For example, if someone has mobility problems then our volunteers will be told that it may take a while for you to open the door to them. Some of the information we collect may be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the services we provide. This data tends to be anonymized so that individuals are not able to be identified.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for help, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.
VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing.

VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA and Good Neighbour volunteers (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above

(5) Payroll

When you commission VODA to handle your payroll requirements we will ask you for information about yourself so that we can understand your role in the organisation you represent. This information will help us to provide appropriate advice. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to your contact details.

We will also collect information about your employees to enable us to correctly calculate their salaries. You should ensure that you have data collection and processing protocols in place and that your staff are aware of these.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who approach VODA for payroll services or who are employees of the organisation that commissions payroll services, may be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.
VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing.

VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your enquiry).
  • Relevant UK government departments, e.g. HM Revenue and Customs.
  • Law enforcement agencies.
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above

(6) Training and Workshops

When you book onto a course or workshop run by VODA we will ask you for information about yourself and the organisation you work or volunteer for and any additional needs that you may have, e.g. dietary, access, etc. This data enables us to provide the course and to address any additional needs.
At the end of the course you may be asked to complete a monitoring form and/or a course evaluation. The monitoring form enables us to ensure that we are reaching all segments of the community, and the data is subsequently summarized to provide basic statistics. We do not share your personal details with any other organisation unless required to do so by law. Summary statistics are anonymized so the data cannot be traced back to yourself. The course evaluation helps us to assess the quality of the training provided. This information is shared with the trainer so that they may improve their delivery, if required. You are not obliged to complete either a monitoring or evaluation form. If you prefer you may omit your personal details and submit the forms anonymously.

People who attend VODA’s training and workshops are “Data Subjects.” By providing the above information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing.

VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your training).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

(7) Volunteers and Potential Volunteers

When you approach VODA to become involved in volunteering we will ask you for information about yourself. This information will help us to find a suitable placement for you. VODA collects, processes and stores this information which often includes some types of personal information which are classed as “special categories” of data. This data may relate to issues such as age, gender identity, racial or ethnic origin, physical or mental health or condition and employment status. Some of this information is collected, separated and anonymized so it cannot be traced back to you and is used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the services we provide.

“Data Subjects” i.e. people who are applying for volunteering through VODA, will be asked to provide/confirm their personal and/or sensitive personal data as required. By providing this information the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing and storing this information.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal and sensitive personal data is held and processed confidentially.

Personal data relating to volunteers and potential volunteers is processed (both manually and electronically) for various administrative, management and health and safety reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Finding a suitable volunteering placement for you.
  • Accessing training that may help you prepare for volunteering.
  • Accessing support that will enable you to more easily volunteer.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing. VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.
VODA discloses information to a variety of third parties; these include but are not limited to:

  • Employees of VODA (on a ‘need-to-know’ basis in relation to your volunteering).
  • Relevant authorities dealing with emergency situations at VODA.
  • Any other authorised third party with whom VODA has a legal or contractual obligation to share data.

Disclosure of certain personal data may also be made to other entities not listed above. This will only ever be done in accordance with the Act. Your consent will be sought where necessary.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above

(8) VODA Members

Organisations may apply for Membership of VODA. Although it is the organisation that is the Member it is quite often the case that an individual will be identified by the organisation as the main contact. Anyone named in the Register of VODA Members is a “Data Subject.” By providing this information you confirm that the Data Subject consents to VODA collecting, processing, storing and sharing their information.

The information in the Register of VODA Members consists largely of contact details and when the organisation became a Member. VODA has a legal obligation to keep this information, for example for voting purposes. We use this information to send Members correspondence about VODA and their membership, such as forthcoming elections, voting rights and ballot papers.

Appropriate security measures are or will be in place to ensure that all personal data is held and processed safely.

VODA handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and recognises the importance of correct and lawful processing.

VODA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The personal data you provide will only be used for official VODA business.

The Register of VODA Members is a public document and, as such, anyone may request a copy.

We may transfer your data abroad but only to Member States of the European Union, countries recognized by the European Commission as having adequate data safeguards in place and to US companies that are part of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

VODA will retain your personal data as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

(9) Visitors to VODA’s website

We use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors use our website. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website, the pages they visited and information they have downloaded to their computer or other device. By continuing to use our website you agree to our use of cookies in this way.

Your Rights under the Data Protection Act

As a ‘Data Subject’ you have a number of rights under the Act. This includes the right to:

  • Access the personal data VODA holds about you.
  • Have inaccurate data corrected.
  • Prevent the processing of information which may cause you harm or distress.
  • Withdraw your consent to VODA processing your data.
  • Prevent unsolicited marketing.
  • Prevent automated decision-making.

For more information on your rights please visit the Information Commissioner’s website:

Your Right to Access Personal Data

As a Data Subject you have a right to request a copy of the information VODA holds about you. This is known as a ‘Subject Access Request’ (SAR). SARs should be made in writing, if possible, to the Chief Executive, VODA, Queen Alexandra Campus, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields NE29 9BZ. There is usually no charge for this information. However, VODA reserves the right to charge in accordance with the Act a reasonable fee to cover administration costs where the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive.

VODA strives to ensure that your personal data remains accurate. To assist us with this you should notify us of any changes to information we hold about you. If you become aware of any inaccuracies in the data we hold please inform us as soon as possible so it can be amended accordingly.

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