Cath Davis: Good Neighbours Volunteer

“My name is Cath Davis, I live in North Shields and I’ve recently retired from my job as a social worker working in education for Northumberland County Council. Presently I’m a Councillor for North Tyneside – Preston Ward – and I’m a foster carer as well.

When the COVID-19 outbreak happened, I just wanted to do something to help. The crisis is really isolating for lots of people and I wanted to do my bit to try and alleviate it in some small way, so I signed up as a Good Neighbours volunteer with VODA.

So far, I’ve collected prescriptions, done weekly shops and delivered food parcels to isolated residents, including one for someone who had just been discharged from hospital and said they literally didn’t know what they would have done if it hadn’t been for the Good Neighbours scheme.

Volunteering during this time makes you realise how many people this crisis has affected in different ways. Everyone is so grateful for the help they receive and it is heart-warming the sense of community you feel.  If anyone is considering volunteering and you can – just do it. I’ve enjoyed it, it gives you a good feeling knowing you’re helping someone and giving back to the community.

Plus the people at VODA are great and so helpful – I’m proud to be part of the Good Neighbours team!”


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