Ending Loneliness in North Tyneside – Things to do in Wallsend and Howdon

As part of our Ending Loneliness in North Tyneside partnership – a four year collaboration between VODA, Age UK, Citizens Advice and The Carer’s Centre – we have created a new leaflet using the North Tyneside SIGN Directory highlighting the range of activities available in Wallsend and Howdon.

The leaflet, based on the five ways to wellbeing, gathers 25 local organisations into one place and aimed at individuals, professionals and groups. Copies are available in local GP surgeries, cafes, community centres and churches, or you can download a copy here.

We hope that this leaflet will be the first of many that will give a snapshot of activities available in the different wards; from social groups, craft sessions, peer support, sports sessions, advice and information.

Please share any feedback in relation to the leaflets content, structure or accessibility with josie.robinson@dev.voda.org.uk.


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