Free Unrestricted Funding from easyfundraising

One of the easiest ways to earn unrestricted funding is through food shopping.  

The leading supermarkets, Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Iceland, and Ocado partner with online fundraising company easyfundraising, to give your voluntary organisation. Charity, social enterprise or CIC a way of receiving funding – for free. 

How it works is simple. An online shopper buys their weekly food shop with one of the above brands, and the supermarket then sends your organisation a free donation as a thank you. In most cases, supermarkets offer a flat monetary amount of up to £5, and others offer a percentage based on what the online shopper spends. 

On average, just one person could raise £97.50 in a year for your organisation by doing their food shop; think what multiple people could do.  

With many people choosing to order their food shop online nowadays, it’s an easy and accessible way to fund running costs, projects, and more. 

To take advantage of this simple fundraising option, your organisation needs to be registered with easyfundraising. Register for easyfundraising here (it’s very straightforward and there is no cost).


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