NHS North East and Cumbria Waiting Well/Preparing Well Fund

The Waiting Well/Preparing Well Programme provides individualised packages of support to individuals awaiting planned surgery, such as hip or knee replacement, who are identified as either:  1) Living in the top 20% of most deprived areas in the region and who are impacted by other issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, a high BMI or are struggling to reduce smoking. OR 2) Having a learning disability.  The priority in this round is support for people aged over 55 years old, and people with learning disabilities.


Packages of support focus on improving an individual’s preparation for surgery and post operative outcomes and include: a health assessment, holistic assessment of social needs/social prescribing and access to activities to support mental and physical wellbeing. Not all patients waiting for planned surgery are eligible for support. Those patients eligible for support are designated by and contacted specifically by the NHS.

The Fund has been set-up as a pilot project to complement these programmes and to address gaps in support provision for eligible patients, particularly relating to financial concerns and cost of living impacts. Use of the funded services will be by referral only.

Learning from the delivery of this Fund will inform future delivery models and funding decisions. Patients will be referred, in general, to funded third sector organisations directly from the holistic assessment/social prescribing element of the Waiting Well/Preparing Well Programme delivery and funded groups will need to develop strong relationships with referrers. Donor North of England Care System Support (NECS), hosted by NHS England.

Who can apply?

charitable, not-for-profit organisations

It is anticipated that successful organisations will either be:

  • already linked to local providers of Waiting Well/Preparing Well Programmes
  • happy to build strong links with Programme staff undertaking holistic assessments/social prescribing to support and enable referrals (costs for dedicated time to developing relationships should be considered as part of the project approach)

Project examples: ·

  • providing advice and help with budgeting, managing money and claiming benefits
  • providing support to access food, equipment and energy poverty services
  • providing advice and help to access small emergency grants for household equipment, travel costs etc.

Organisations already funded through the wider Waiting Well/Preparing Well Programme may apply to deliver additional provision that meets the criteria of this fund.

Max Grant Size: £5000

Deadline: 29 August

Read more and apply


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