North East and Cumbria Integrated Care Systems Update

The recently published ‘Integrated Care Systems: Design Framework’ sets out the role of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) partners in helping to tackle health inequalities and improve outcomes in population health. The North Tyneside ICS body will further the work of what we currently know as the North Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

The framework states that “The VCSE sector is a vital cornerstone of a progressive health and care system. ICSs should ensure their governance and decision-making arrangements support close working with the sector as a strategic partner in shaping, improving and delivering services and developing and delivering plans to tackle the wider determinants of health.”

Key ambitions included in the framework include:

  • working with VCSE partners on the integration of planning and provision
  • growing and supporting a ‘one workforce ’approach with shared principles and ambitions across the local authority, the VCSE sector and other partners
  • strengthening public, patient and carers ’voice at place and system levels, working with a range of partners such as Healthwatch, the VCSE sector and experts by experience
  • working alongside councils to invest in local community organisations and infrastructure There already exists in North Tyneside some great partnership working between the CCG and the VCSE sector. We look forward to seeing this grow under these new arrangements which will come into force by April 2022.

VONNE and Cumbria CVS are leading a VCSE Partnership Programme supporting VCSE organisations across the North East and North Cumbria to have a voice and influence ICS decision making at all levels, from local partnership working to board level, to make our ICS a truly Integrated Care System across the public, voluntary and independent sectors. They are keeping our sector informed by creating a Health & Wellbeing Network where members receive regular news bulletins containing information and opportunities relating to the ICS and health and wellbeing. They are also supporting organisations who have the same interests, e.g. mental health, to work with the ICS and input into relevant ICS workstreams and plans via our “communities of interest” sub-groups

You can join the North East and Cumbria Health and Wellbeing Network and find out more about how your organisation can become involved with the ICS.


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